Our Story

Abundant life for survivors of prostitution and trafficking.

SutiSana was founded in 2010 as a freedom business,which exists to fight human trafficking or
commercial exploitation. By providing dignified employment in a just and thriving business,
SutiSana offers a new and abundant life for women leaving prostitution in Bolivia.

Our Story

While visiting the red light district in El Alto, Bolivia, one of the women we’d befriended expressed that she felt trapped by the lack of employment opportunities outside of prostitution. She confronted us one day: “When are you going to give me a job?” SutiSana was founded in 2010 for that friend and so many women like her. We exist as a freedom business that fights trafficking and sexual exploitation by offering new and abundant life for our artisan

Our Name

Most SutiSana artisans speak both Spanish and the indigenous language of Aymara. In Aymara, “Suti” means name. In Spanish “Sana” means healed. As a woman leaves prostitution, she often adopts a new name as part of her healed identity.

Our Model

When a woman joins SutiSana, she receives many benefits, including health insurance and a retirement plan. She and her children are supported through community, and she is given opportunities to continually grow – learning to design bags, working with new materials, and even coaching other women as they leave prostitution.